Member-only story
Purposeful discomfort
“Great things never came from comfort zones.”
- Neil Strauss
Intentionally getting uncomfortable is not something most people prefer to do. If anything, we will go out of our way to avoid uncomfortable situations or pursuits in order to preserve the bubble of security that prevents us from putting ourselves out there. It could be something as simple as tackling a new recipe for dinner, to something more daring, like speaking in front of hundreds of people in public. Either way, it’s about taking risks by doing something that forces us out of our comfort zone, no matter how big or small those risks are.
I have experienced so many moments of discomfort in my life because of doing things where I was unsure of the outcome. I remember the first time a lifelong friend asked me to officiate her wedding. I felt it was an honor and a big deal. I agreed and made sure I was prepared to be a big part of her big day. I was nervous leading up to the wedding. I knew the couple very well and was hoping to just not screw up. To save you the suspense, the ceremony went well, and I even got a great review from her mom as an unofficial stamp of approval.
Fast forward more than ten years and I have since presided over six more wedding ceremonies of family and friends. It has been one of the greatest honors for me. I never would have had the…