Member-only story
The mind’s the limit
“The power of our beliefs can work in either direction to become life affirming or life denying.”
- Gregg Braden
We grew up believing, “The sky is the limit.” It’s supposed to mean that there is no ceiling to our potential, to which I agree. While there is no ceiling to the sky, we put limits on ourselves through the power of our minds. Nobody limits our potential more than we do. Self-fulfilling prophecies and placebos are a great example of how our minds create our reality without us putting in much effort. We simply believed something so strongly that it manifested into our existence. This includes self-talk.
It still baffles me to this day, but science proves it. Whether we want to believe it or not, our thoughts and words create or reality. I am not suggesting we invite every negative thing that has happened in our life. I defer to the Powers that don’t bleed on that one. I do feel our outlook on life and responses to how our life unfolds absolutely shape what we end up experiencing. This is why I feel it is so important to monitor our thoughts and our words.
I used to be my own worst critic by saying, “I’m no good at . . .” or “I’ll never be able to . . “ I now see how I was limiting my potential with my own self-fulfilling prophecies. Once I finally learned what I was doing to myself, I worked on catching myself in the act…